Welcome to Sargam Foundation.

Sargam Foundation Logo
We are a 501(c)(3) non profit organization promoting Indian culture in North American and vice-versa.

We assist young, talented and underprivileged local and Indian musicians through funding, mentorship and provide platforms to showcase their talent. If you are talented and want to pursue your musical career in Indian music and looking for financial help or a platform to showcase your talent we can help.

Sargam Foundation’s Overview

What we have done so far (2020 update):

In 2020, Sargam Foundation has donated more than $3000 already to, Oregon Food Bank, Meals on Wheel, Peoples’s Initiative for Technology (Jadavpur University, West Bengal, India), FEED Food Education and Economic Development (West Bengal, India) to help fight against Covid-19.

In addition to that the Foundation has offered a total of forty three (43) cash scholarships to underprivileged young musicians in the amount of slightly more than one Million Indian Rupees (~1,100,000). Starting in 2019, we are providing regular financial aid to “Workshop for the Blind”, in Salt Lake, Kolkata. Our regular “Mentorship for Scholars” program is still active, although many of the scholars are failing to attend regularly this year. The annual scholarship award ceremony gives some of these young artists their very first opportunity to ever perform in front of a live audience, helping grow their confidence and provide them public exposure. Three of the Scholars have received life changing offers from TV, Radio and Bombay music circles. The Foundation is changing lives in meaningful ways!

If you are interested in scholarship, please apply!